Much like fire detectors, carbon monoxide detectors are small pieces of equipment that could potentially save your life. These small detectors can easily be plugged into any outlet, and their excessively loud alarm is designed to alert you immediately to danger. Carbon monoxide detectors will sound the alarm if there are high levels of carbon monoxide in your home. This odorless, tasteless gas is nearly impossible for humans to detect on their own, but the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can be debilitating and life-threatening.
Our guide will provide you with the information you need to know about carbon monoxide detectors and why they are essential for a healthy home.
Carbon monoxide is a gas that can be produced by many household products. When carbon monoxide levels become too high, people and animals inside the home can begin to feel very sick. Some of the most common sources of carbon monoxide in the home include:
Any home that has one or more of these items is at risk for exposure to carbon monoxide which is why it's necessary for you to invest in a carbon monoxide detector.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide exposure can vary widely, based on the level of exposure as well as the age and health of the individual who is being affected. Some symptoms of carbon monoxide exposure can include:
The level of exposure as well as the length of exposure will determine how quickly and fully a person recovers after carbon monoxide exposure. When identified quickly, many people enjoy a quick and complete recovery. When exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide over a long period of time, some people will have lifelong complications or may even die as a result.
Today, most carbon monoxide detectors on the market adhere to a strict set of minimum safety standards. This means that regardless of which detector you select for your home, it will alert you to a possible exposure in a matter of moments.
You should ideally have a carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home, but you may want to consider purchasing a detector for every room where an appliance or device is located that may produce carbon monoxide. It is particularly important to have carbon monoxide detectors near rooms where people sleep, so that the alarm can alert the people in your house no matter what time of day it is.
Carbon monoxide is an invisible threat, and if CO levels in your home become too high, the results could be deadly. It is best to be proactive and purchase carbon monoxide detectors for your home. You also should remind your family members and friends to do the same. By taking preventative action, you can rest easy knowing that you have a healthy home that everyone can enjoy.
Ted draws energy and joy from building synergetic relationships with his Clients. Ted's nature is graciously gregarious and persevering; he's honest; and he's been dedicated to a substantial list of clientele throughout his 25 years in the hospitality business and seven years as a REALTOR. His passion is creating a sincere, successful relationship with people.
Ted grew up in a family of Realtors in central Indiana, earned a degree in economics and philosophy from the University of Notre Dame, and jumped into all aspects of the restaurant business. His ensuing hospitality career path eventually led him into the Event Management Sales & Service role in hotels and quickly guided him to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and finally to a luxury resort in the Napa Valley, where he, his husband, and their dog have resided for 16 years now.
The irony is not lost on Ted that his ‘growth’ journey has culminated in“living happily ever after” in an agricultural area with a small-town feel and sense of community strikingly reminiscent of his youth…and as a REALTOR nonetheless!